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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I wanted to comment to this post. My girlfriend of 10 years has a chronic illness that is destroying our lives. I am dying to find other people like me. She has Lymes Disease, which no one understands and so many people believe isn't a real disease. It has been a horrible battle. She has lost her family and everyone around her. The disease has made her weak, tired all the time, very sick, she no longer functions. She has started having psychological and neurological impacts - like seizures, psychotic episodes, mood instability, dementia type symptoms.... It is awful! I have tried to hang in here. She is financially destroying me. I have been supporting her and there is nothing left, except a mountain of debt and I owe over $100,000 to the IRS now because I haven't been able to pay taxes in trying to save her life. She has become so angry, rageful and bitter. She is emotionally abusive towards me and it is horrible. I wish there were other lesbian women out there with this same struggle. I want to leave and feel horribly gut wrenchingly guilty. I won't stop financially supporting her but being in the relationship has destroyed my life and me. If there are support groups in LA I would love to attend one. I am quietly desperate!

December 14, 2014 - 1:11am


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