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EmpowHER Guest

My husband found out when he was 39 that he had 1 kidney. They took the other one out which was just a sack of blood and the 1 he has is deformed and he has to have surgery every 3 months to put a stint in from his kidney to his bladder. He's on all kinds of meds. This has went on since 2000,now I not only have asthma but fibromyalgia. The pain is so bad. He is so mentally abusive at times and I have stood by him all these years. Now with my illnesses its making it so hard to deal with. I love him but is it enough?I know if I leave people would think I'm the meanest person alive including our children. I don't know how to deal with all of this. Oh yeah I'm a Christian and he's not.

December 24, 2014 - 6:04pm


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