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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

this sounds like a terrible situation, for both of you. i can tell that you love her immensely, otherwise you wouldn't still be there. i understand your need to preserve who you are. you feel like you're losing yourself more and more every day.

this is a highly stressful situation for you and if you don't address that stress, it will blow up, if it hasn't already done so.

i'm no expert, but i strongly believe in taking time-outs from the situation for you to focus on yourself. is there anything you enjoy doing outside of the house? like a hobby? sometimes just sitting and staring at water (whether it's the ocean or a lake) seems to calm me. nature has that effect on me.

it's not callous wishing the person was already dead. it's just human. you're not a bad person for thinking this. that's just you trying to survive in a very stressful situation. deep down, it's not what you really want to happen. deep down, you want her to get better. but you're fed up of hoping for that because it's just not happening. so you get caught up in the stress and you see her death as a way out.

this situation is really tricky because your partner has lost her will to live. i don't know what she's capable of - if she's still capable of talking? she gets lost in the tv shows because that's all she knows how to keep HER sanity. she can't deal with what's happened/happening to her even more that you can't deal with it.

you can't change the way she feels - she needs to change that. but you can try to understand why she feels the way she does - what she's dealing with is extremely depressing. she doesn't even know herself any more. she doesn't know how to live like she has to. she feels like everything she has and liked about herself is gone. her resentment towards you is not really towards you - it's towards herself. you're just there for her to take it out on. deep down inside i think she knows you're there for her and that you love her.

i hope these words have brought you some comfort.

September 25, 2015 - 9:09am


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