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Hey there, you are definitely not alone. In a few weeks we will be celebrating our 8th anniversary and today I stumbled up on this because I am in the same situation as you. Just before the birth of our second daughter who is now 4, my wife started complaining about all kinds of pains: foot, back, hands shaking, you name it. Basically every time I came home and opened the door, the first thing I heard was: I am glad you are home because one more negative thing happened. This accumulated and only made me feel like not coming home. Now, let me mention that on top of that of the two of us, she has had nothing but my support in the jobs she wants to work, most of them part-time while I have had no choice but to work full-time so we could live decently. Now the latest thing is that she has endometriosis and that added more physical limitations to our relationship than before. She went through a laparoscopy and that didn't help one bit. Everyday she is in pain to the point where she doesn't do much for chores around the house. I am on the same boat as you, I have been asking myself what's best for me and the kids? Leaving her now, it is very clear that the kids will live in a mess but at the same time, I am not happy and have not been in longtime. I feel like I have roommate more than a spouse.

August 12, 2016 - 8:25pm


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