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Well, I'm not sure if we've had a little breakthrough or not, but this past Thursday, my husband was in a car accident. Not serious, but his foot slipped off of the break and he hit the gas, rear ending someone twice. He received a ticket, a fair amount of dammage to his car (not sure if it's entirely driveable) and had a bit of a breakdown. He openned up and shared alot about his frustrations about his disease, feeling of guilt for his lack of working, helping out arround the house, feeling like a failure as a husband and father and as he calls himself "the weak link in the family". As hard as it was to hear him, it made me be able to hear him and see him for the man I remember. We had a heart to heart and I explained to him that although he has lost function, that it isn't he physical aspects of his illness that is so hard for me, but his emotional issues. I feel like it's easier for me to accept his attitude if I know what's going on in his head. Even though it was an awful week for him, and he is thinking hard and long about whether or not he should be driving any longer (and I'm realizing that I'm going to be having to do more and more now), we've actually had a decent weekend and I feel like he's heard me as well as I have heard him. I don't think that he should be yelling at me, but maybe if I can get him to open up more, then maybe just maybe I can understand him a little better.

July 12, 2009 - 3:39pm


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