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EmpowHER Guest

Sounds like things will be better because you won't be living under the same roof putting up with him 24/7 365, instead of just "part time" due to visitation with your son, so that is good for you and by default your son. In my situation, if there was any way possible, I'd rather not live under the same roof because I think these people/situations are "too much for most people to live with". It sure is a long, hard process isn't it?! I know, I'm still in it, and I feel it's a nightmare I can't wake up from. I hope things will go very well for you and your son, as they are saying, he does deserve the best interest and you are trying very hard to give him that, so good for you. He's the child, not your husband, even though the sick husband "acts out" like a child, and is an Adult Child, he's still NOT a child! These "sick spouses" really should TRY to "help themself" more and not feel as though their spouse is "bad/wrong/guilty" if they don't want to take the BRUNT of everything, just because the spouse got the disease, it's not the other's fault to have it taken out on them! So, for me, it's not about wanting to leave because he's sick, it's about his attitude and the way he treats himself, the situation, and me.

January 22, 2010 - 4:44pm


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