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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I know what you are saying. I am the original writer. I left last February and I still have days that I worry about him and hope that he is ok. I see him regularly because we have a 5 yr old that I need to drop off to him for his visits and I feel very bad for him when I get there if his balance isn't very good. Two weeks ago he was struggling to unlock the door because his tremors were so bad. It makes me feel awful to see him like that. I try to remind myself that he has CHOSEN this. I know that I left, but he CHOSE not to help our marriage, to seek counseling or to treat me like I deserve to be treated. It is hard. Hang in there. It does get better with time. I don't struggle as much as I initially did with my feelings of guilt. I agree with you though....many people have not walked in our shoes. I spoke with a counselor for quite some time and she pointed out that I (we) are dealing with health issues that people who have been married for many years normally deal with. This makes some sense to me in that they have had the chance to develop their relationships and have had many years of happiness and different struggles that have prepared themselves somewhat for horrible diagnoses. I'm sure it isn't easy on them either...but different.

October 10, 2010 - 6:18pm


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