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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Wow, I understand your situation! My husband was diagnosed with Progressive MS ten years ago. He was only 40yrs. old and it's been a long battle of first dealing with his depression where he became mentally paralyzed and now dealing with the disease itself where he is now physically paralyzed. Because he was the primary bread winner in our household, me and my two girls have gone through an emotional and financial roller coaster! I think of leaving every day. Not because he's abusive, but it's just to much for me! I'm over whelmed!
I love him... but I don't have help and we don't have much money to make him comfortable. We rented our three level 3000 square ft home and now live in a two bedroom apt. that's not handicapped accessible. It's tough, and it doesn't look like it's getting any easier. I pray everyday that God gives me strength. I'll pray that God gives you strength as well.

November 8, 2010 - 9:53pm


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