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(reply to Anonymous)

That is so sweet of you to say those things. :) You don't even know me, and you don't know how I can peel the paint off the walls with my anger! I have been living in so much anger and resentment the past couple years. It's so hard to tell the difference between illness and just bad attitude; I'm pretty ashamed at how angry and resentful I've been if this has all been a mental illness. Thank you for confirming it the idea that this is a mental illness. I discussed this all with my sister last night and she said the business of him when he's lucid not remembering what he said or did when he was not-so-lucid is not right and I should call his doctor privately and discuss the issues with him. I agreed, and I have discussed this somewhat with his doctor already just before Christmas, but I also suggested he may just be claiming he didn't remember because that's more suited to his image of himself. He's got a lot of defenses and I wouldn't put it past him for this to be another one.

Looking back just today on what I wrote yesterday makes it sound a lot more upbeat than I really feel today. I contacted his parents tonight and we agreed that they will invite us up for dinner this Sunday and then the three of us will present a united front and insist that A) he has mental issues, and B) we together need to get him some treatment. Woo, this should be exciting. :) He's so intelligent, and proud, and stubborn, and did I say intelligent?, that he's going to have enormous difficulty dealing with point A much less point B.

I have an enormous sense of relief after posting these messages. Thank you everyone. It has really helped crystallize my situation, which any way you look at it is just messed up. :)

March 15, 2011 - 8:06pm


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