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I did some more research on foot pain, and here's what I found from the American Academy of Family Physicians:

Q: Is the pain between ball of foot & heel?
A: Possibly sprained ligament in arch

Q: Does your foot look flat, pain on inside ankle, swelling?
A: Possible "fallen arches" (see above link for self care)

Q: Pain between heel and ball of foot, especially first steps in morning?
A: Possible irritation of arch ligaments or plantar fasciitis

Q: Do you have a fever, joints tender, sore, red, swollen?
A: Possible rheumatoid arthritis

Q: Intense pain near heel, especially when have weight on the heel?
A: Possible heel spur or plantar fasciitis

Q: Foot pain begin after intense physical activity?
A: Possible stress fracture

Let us know which of these sound more relevant to your situation, and we can provide more information about the possible "answer" given. It would still be a good idea to see a doctor, although many of these possible causes can be improved/remedied with self-care techniques.

January 11, 2009 - 8:59pm


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