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Hey Laura, We forwarded this question to our expert in podiatry, Dr. Marlene Reid to hear what she had to say. Take a look at her response.

"Hi Laura,

It is very possibly that you are experiencing a problem with the tendon (posterior tibial tendon) that supports your arch. The symptoms are very similar to heel pain - pain in the morning and after periods of rest. Often it is misdiagnosed as the heel problem plantar fasciitis and the two problems need to be treated differently. Plantar fasciitis needs extra heel support and stretches to stretch out the arch and tendonitis of the posterior tibial tendon needs arch support and immobilization. You can always ice the area for 15-20 minutes several times a day until you can get to see a podiatrist to determine what your problem actually is."
Dr. Marlene Reid

January 12, 2009 - 10:09am


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