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I'll be the devil's advocate here.

She's majoring in women's studies, so I'm guessing she's neither a lightweight nor someone who sees herself as merely an object that can be bought or sold. She said her sister spent three weeks as a prostitute and paid for her education with the money she earned.

My theory? This could be an experiment for a paper she's writing, inspired by her sister's activities (if those are true). She is trying to get at the exact reactions and philosophies we have all had, with a focus on the very thing Coach Virginia honed in on: We are either making progress or we aren't. This sort of thing either offends us or it doesn't; we either see it as her body or we don't. She's found a way to get right to the heart of the matter, and the articles, blogs and emails she's getting give her plenty of material on all sides of the question to write her paper around.

Now that's brilliant, if true.

January 14, 2009 - 9:40am


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