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I have not even been given a diagnosis yet and I am already hearing the "good Cancer" comments. My thyroid TSH has been all over the board. It was high in June and meds were changed....then it went drastically low...then lower. My gynecologist sent me to an endocrinologist and he had a ultrasound done with a real-time sonograhic evaluation. The findings were: "right lobe of the thyroid gland is heterogeneous with fatty infiltration suggesting "burnt out" thyroiditis. No discrete nodules are demonstrated (this sounds good). But then....the left lobe of the thyroid gland is heterogeneous with fatty infiltration. A discrete hyperechoic nodule within the midpole measuring 0.6 x 0.6 . 0.5 cm associated with increased flow. No other nodules are demonstrated. Isthmus is normal at 2.5 mm. No increased flow demonstrated." I have been hypo for 22 years. I have Hashimoto's Disease. The doctor ordered a FNA and I am going tomorrow morning. I am petrified. Not of the procedure...I can handle pain...but does it hurt? I have read that hyperechoic is a good thing...meaning that it is not solid. But I am so scared. If it is not cancer...will they remove the nodule? Do you have to have chemotherapy? There is thyroid cancer in my fam....my uncle has it. I am worried.

October 20, 2009 - 8:26pm


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