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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I received a seasonal flu shot in January 2010 and I am STILL experiencing pain that radiates from my shoulder, my elbow and down over the tendons of my right hand. Went back to my physician to complain about arm pain and gently suggested that this began after the nurse gave me my shot. I was shuttled on to an orthopedic who I have seen 3 times now. Xrays show no problems but now suspects paritally torn rotator cuff. I have had two coritisone shots, the first helped for about a week, and the second most recent just made it worse! I am frustrated and depressed. An MRI was suggested but I am severely claustrophobic and must be put out to get such a test anymore. Ortho doc said I could go ahead and pursue physical therapy and think about MRI for awhile. It just seems suspicious that this all occurred after the shot......is there any recent research/studies on this correlation in a respectable medical journal? I need relief and I want answers. Trying to stay calm but tired of taking so much ibuprofen which is barely touching the pain anymore. Sign me - determined mom on a mission.

May 29, 2010 - 4:55pm


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