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(reply to Pat Elliott)

Hi I was on sulfamethoxazole-tmp ds 1x2 daily and clindamycin 1x3 daily for 14 days. Along with this I took florasor 1x2 daily. I did loose appetite and at time was nausus, threw up a meal or two and had loose stool the whole time. I was on these because I spiked a fever and had a red rash on my breast. This was a concern for infection being a cancer survivor that worked very hard the get inplants after mastectomys. I was 4 months out of inplant surgury and we needed to hit it hard. When I finished the dose like an idiot stopped the florastor. With in 5 days after antibiotics the pain in my gut and diarrhea came on strong. When I spike another 101 fever I called my plastic surgeon. There was no rash with the breast so we felt safe there. After 3 days we took stool samples which came back neg for c-diff and other bacteriers. I am now 9 days into this bad cramping and various waste disposal (mud like, very loose, mucus, and white like particals-sorry for description but it may be important). I have no problem laying in bed napping all day. I seem to be tired from the pain. (I am usually extremely active) I took the rest of my florastor, some asadophilus and now for the last 3 days been on very strong strain of probiatics. I am trying some kepher, some fiber, an some veggies, watermelon and a little protein. I am hungry and seam to get a few hours repreve from pain. It always seems to return. I can't leave the house with worry of needing to use the john or be in featle position. I am still no less than 12-15 trips to the john per day. I don't produce much most of the time. I dont want to take ibuprofen for I feel I've taken too much medicine already. I was thinking of starting nyastatin as well. Please, I'm looking for answers on stopping the pain, how much longer, what to eat. I am from time to time seeing something that resembles a stool between trips to the john. I have to get to work!

May 12, 2011 - 6:50am


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