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(reply to Anonymous)

Late periods can be from so many different causes: pregnancy, stress, medications, and more. I doubt that your body would compensate one period being early, for a previous period being late. Each cycle is its own cycle, with the average being 28-days, although each woman can vary greatly from cycle-to-cycle. Some women are "textbook" 28-days each cycle; other women have cycles that are 26-days one time, and 31-days the next time.

A factor could also depend on when you ovulate, and since you are trying to conceive (I assume that's what ttc means), I assume you are keeping track of when you ovulate? If so, that can provide another piece to the puzzle (if you ovulate on day 14, or 18, or 11...this information can help you determine when you are most likely to begin menstruation). The average day of cycle women ovulate is day 14, so if it's "later" (say, day 18), then perhaps your period may start "later" than day 28.

If your LMP was March 14th, then it is now day 34 of your cycle, correct? According to Women's Health.Gov, "The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long. Cycles can range anywhere from 21 to 35 days in adults and from 21 to 45 days in young teens."

Can you call your doctor's office and ask a question over the phone to a nurse, to inquire their typical protocol regarding: "how long is too long for a missed period and negative pregnancy test, before you should see the doctor?". Are you able to do this?

Also, do you have any usual signs when you know your period is coming (breast tenderness, different emotions, spotting, cramping, etc). Have you had any of these signs?

I am sorry to hear about your miscarriages. How are you doing?

April 16, 2009 - 1:52pm


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