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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi, Anon, and thank you for your question.

I guess my first question is, have you seen a doctor at any time in the last nine months to find out what's going on? This may be something hormonally related. Are you extremely thin or extremely active? Sometimes those things can cause a complete cessation of your period.

I am assuming that you are not pregnant, and that there is another explanation here. Before this time started, were you regular in your cycles?

Do you have a doctor (preferably a gynecologist?) I think you really need to make an appointment to see her or him, or at least call the office and talk to the nurse or the physician's assistant. It isn't normal to go this long without having a period, and it would be good to find out what's going on. Would you do that?

August 14, 2009 - 9:49am


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