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i have been trying to get pregant off and on for the last four years and it is hard because i get my period every other month.but this year in july and august i have no period and by the end of sept that will be three months.i have the breast tenderness and the frequent urinating,,cravings and cramping and headaches and discharge.it looks like it is a pregancy line from my belly going down but if i pulled my shirt up i can barley see it only in the mirror a real light black line.the month of august i took a pregancy test and it said negative so i dont want to try again and it keep being false alarms.now in july i was cool but aug i had a little stress but i calmed down so i can see if it will come on but no such luck.iam tired all the time and just dont want to be bothered but i been through this before where i get my hopes up high and then i end up not pregant.i really want a baby i have a older son already but iam scared to get a blood test done the end of sept. because it going to say no.can someone please help me

September 6, 2011 - 4:16am


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