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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I'd reference my comments below for further reading of Lakoff and Johnson "Philosophy in the Flesh" which is odd in that I have a BA in Religion from a moderately conservative evangelical. Although I've been working as a Project Manager in Construction for many years. I've been off meds for about 12 years and I am bipolar I do not have bipolar disorder.

Every person on this planet is a prisoner of their genetics, biology and there is no independent objective view that is rational or developed apart from their genetics. Correspondence theory in philosophy is a container schema of limitations it and of itself is not objective or independent of biology. Correspondence theory is actually how this fit's to that with no meaning. Like how a vertical 2 + 4 meets a horizontal top plate and a bottom plate, one corresponds to the other. So now we can look at the term bipolar disorder and split the two words out and rationally look at them more closely. Bipolar is understood to be genetic related this is true, we have a correspondence between our biology and bipolar. Since every human at point self is genetics we can say across a spectrum of emotional detachment to the left is aspergers/autism and to the extreme right Bipolar and possibly Schizophrenia. Every person is on this spectrum, no one is independent from this spectrum. So on this spectrum I have to ask, If I'm bipolar, I"m functioning, not only functioning but highly functioning where does the term disorder come in? How does the word relate to the entirety of the spectrum of the human framework of thinking and functioning? the word disorder seen this way is irrational, illogical and nonsensical. Did someone independent from this spectrum create the label maybe they are rational, but to perceive that they are independent from this spectrum is irrational in and of itself. So we have people giving us a label who perceive that they are rational independent from this spectrum which means they are irrational in their perceptions in and of itself. No one is independent, and to perceive that there is an objective reality independent from our genetics is absurd but that's the world in which we live. So we are given a label that is 1/2 true, and depending on how we approach life, how much work we put into educating ourselves, how much we explore and think of what exactly is that mania experience and what that implies determines at what level are we capable to function. We are blessed and cursed with an extremely responsive brain. bipolar have a brain like a modern F22 that is so unstable that it requires computers to help fly it, directly so that it stays flying correctly. All of the work above goes directly into computer system so to speak of control we call that our conceptual framework and getting that functioning is really the the work for bipolar it's very hard.

"We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness"
Thich Nhat Hanh

That is the mantra for virtually every person on this planet that sense of separateness is purely illusionary and that is who they are and Thich Nhat Hanh is absolutely spot on in this statement. Cognitive science embodied realism is heading towards this. Correspondence theory which is old dating back into ancient Greece is starting to be contextualized as true but only true in an extremely limited fashion. It's logic but that is all no emotional content at all. The Bipolar problem with mania is to come to grips with our experiences of when our brain breaks that illusion of self separateness, exactly what does that mean. So we need to both reject how we contextualized during the experience and at the same come to terms with that underlaying experience in and of itself.

David I am incredibly encouraged to know that there are people such as yourself who are treating bipolar as coachable it absolutely is. Finding that point of balance between our emotional/spiritual and analytical/scientific tendencies is the trick for us just like everyone else, no one is independent from that path or journey. Bipolars have a few things to consider, and in fully considering them they can be profoundly liberating which can allow us to both soar and yet remain stable at the sometime. A delicate balance but one worth pursuing and at the same time the only way that we can really be both bipolar and truely high functioning at the same time.

November 22, 2009 - 11:05am


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