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hey, im in a little trouble and would like some advice PLEASEEE! im so lost and confusedd and worriiedd to death! I hve been having sexual intercourse with my partner. we sometimes used a condom and sometimes did not. yet each time we pulled it out before, condom or no comdom. i usually have irregular periods that just pop up during the first 2-3 weeks of the month. I am about a week late and im worried. my partner says he is positively sure he did not ejaculate. However, i have been feeling weird symptoms. i have sore tummy aches here and there, and sometimes even cramps down under but it eventaully goes away. my breasts and all that are fine no pain,, just the tummy and downer area cramp a bit. ive been under a little stress lately, and from reading what other women have said the fact that it could be a reason to a late period. im not sure wether im pregnant or just a really late period, but im really really scarred cause i am definately not wanting a baby atm. please help me, and give me some advice on what is going on with me!

September 18, 2012 - 4:29am


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