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EmpowHER Guest

Hi! Ive been stressing about this pregnancy thing for almost a week now. My last menstruation was November1 and I usually have 29days in my cycle. I made love with my boyfriend on November27 (which I believed was my infertile day). We just did some rubbing of genitals but no penetration. And he ejaculated somewhere far from my genital before he rubbed his penis on my vagina. I was paranoid after that. He told me to calm down because we are both sure that I was safe at that time. But today, december6, my period hasnt arrived. I was almost a week late and ive been stressed about it. Is there a chance that I could be pregnant? And also, I havent got enough sleep in this whole month of November because of night shifts and pm shifts in the hospital duty. Am pregnant or just stress is playing a trick on my menstrual cycle? Please help. Thank you!

December 5, 2014 - 8:26pm


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