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EmpowHER Guest

I am 21 and have been sexually active with the same guy who took my virginity at age 18. We have always been rabbits in the bed 5-6 times a day. But after the birth of my daughter, my sex drive had hit an all time low for about 6 months. Now approaching my 22nd bday I feel aroused watching a movie with an attractive guy and my urges like a wild animal ready to pounce. My guy is 26 and he never wants it. Now he doesn't want it or if he does he would rather masturbate. Is it me? I have bounced back from pre baby weight (she is 2 now) I feel as if we should be normal again. I am to the point where a drunken night lead to crazy hot AMAZING sex with a guy i know. He is on my level sexually. I will always love my daughters father but is it normal to leave a normal relationship for better and stimulating sex as well as he is wanting a relationship out of it?
This man gives me ecstasy( in a sense not literally) in bed, he works wonders. I dont know what to do please let me know something.

November 13, 2012 - 2:23pm


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