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YOU NEVER NEED A HYSTERECTOMY AND CASTRATION (removal of your ovaries) FOR A FIBROID OR CYST unless you have the wrong doctor. I too was easily talked into this surgery and all I had was a fibroid. I believed everything my doctor was telling me. An OBGYN are trained to do surgeries. Their job is too find something wrong with you and if you go enough times, he will.

Please believe everything you see and read on the HERS Foundation web site because it is the HERS Foundation that saved my life. I had already had my surgery but was very sick and tired and was not getting any answers from the doctor. Once you have the surgery and you complain to him, he will ship you off to other departments in the clinic. They know exactly what this surgery does to women. They removed your sexual hormone producing organs. The ovaries, uterus and cervix are there for a reason. They determine your health, well-being, zest for life and sexual pleasures and much more.

I hope you saw the pictures of the female anatomy and notice the nerves running up the sphine and to the brain. When they remove your organs, these nerves will be tied and left hanging 'going nowhere'. They control your emotions, well-being and sexual pleasures. HAS YOUR DOCTOR TOLD YOU THIS? Of Course not because you wouldn't have the surgery if he did. It is a crime to remove healthy organs because of a fibroid.

You have the wrong doctor if he hasn't mentioned a myomectomy to remove the fibroids and a polypectomy to remove the cysts. The HERS Foundation will locate a doctor for you in your area who does these alternative surgeries. My niece has cysts on her ovaries and they wanted to do a hysterectomy and I said NO WAY! The HERS Foundation found a woman's clinic in Iowa City, Iowa, to just remove her cysts. She is so glad after reading and talking with women who have had a hysterectomy and castration that she didn't have it.

Please get informed and educated before submitting to this surgery.

April 6, 2009 - 9:07am


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