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To Terri, posted on 4/5/09

Dear Terri,

Listen to the HERS foundation -- they're telling you the truth. It may be a painful and difficult truth but it is the truth. I have not seen the HERS foundation video because it will be too painful for me to see it after the fact. I deeply regret having the surgery and I don't have time or space to go into the lies that I was told. I had a surgeon who told me I needed a hysterectomy because a fibroid was displacing my bladder but my quality of life was NOT improved. In fact, I now spend $300 a month on supplements just so I can function and that does not include the cost of the bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. If I didn't do both, I would be on disability and unable to function.

Here is something to consider -- why is it OK for surgeons to tell women there is no purpose or function in having a womb after childbearing years, there's no reason for them to keep their organs any more as they serve no purpose, and NOT OK to talk to men that way? If a women chief of staff talked to a man and told him there was no reason for him to have his organs, do you think she would be employed long? What if a guy showed up in a doctors office with parts of his equipment inflamed and bleeding? Do you think he would in an eyeblink be told to get rid of his equipment as he probably wouldn't need to make any more babies anyway, so there was no longer any purpose for it? No, the doctor would bend over backwards to find a solution.

Should it not be the same for women? Do you see the abuse against women here? Are women's systems less important than men's?

There is a false belief system in the medical community and women are falling into it and that is women don't need their organs after childbearing years. Nothing could be further from the truth.

So my advice to you is this: AVOID HAVING A HYSTERECTOMY AT ALL COSTS.

There are other options available to help shrink those fibroids. One is to balance your hormones. I recommend going to Dr. Erika Schwartz' website, wwww.drerika.com. If I had not learned about Dr. Erika after my surgery I would be on disability and I was a strong athletic woman before surgery. I needed her plan in order to function.

If I sound angry, it's because I am angry. Angry at the decption of the medical profession so they can make big bucks at our expense.


April 6, 2009 - 11:49am


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