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EmpowHER Guest

Terry, please do more research! Fibroids and cysts can be removed while leaving your organs intact if you have the right doctor. Your doctor is not being truthful with you (probably because he makes a lot more money removing your organs than just removing your fibroid or cysts). Many doctors are only skilled at removing organs, not myomectomy (removing fibroids) or cystectomy (removing ovarian cysts). I only wish I would have seen the HERS video before my uterus, ovaries and cervix were amputated. I had no idea what extensive damage it would do to my health and body. Did you know that they damage your bladder by cutting it away from your uterus when they amputate your uterus? That's why many women have bladder problems after hysterectomy.

Please find a doctor who will just remove your fibroid and/or cysts. I only wish I had been so lucky. Now I have chronic abdominal pain. My abdomen protrudes out on one side and burns all the time. I've lost the feeling of my maternal instincts and had urinary incontinence, bowel incontinence, bone pain, joint pain, weakness, a swollen urethra. I get severe hot flashes and night sweats and nothing stops them. My ability to have an orgasm has diminished so severely that it's hardly worth trying. Unfortunately, I learned all this after the fact. Had anyone told me that the uterus, ovaries and cervix were sex organs, I would have understood better that when they are removed, so is a woman's sexuality.

FYI, this is actually what they do that they are not telling you when they perform a hysterectomy:

A hysterectomy is performed by transecting (to cut across; dissect transversely) the round ligaments, incising (to cut into) the anterior leaf of the broad ligament along the bladder, dissecting (to cut apart) the bladder off the lower uterine segment (displacing the bladder from its natural position and causing injury), severing the uterine arteries, transecting the uterosacral ligaments and cardinal ligaments, amputating the uterus and cervix, sewing up the vagina into a closed pocket (shortening the vagina), leaving said ligaments hanging in a women's pelvic cavity (compromising pelvic support), leaving an empty hole for the bowel to shift down into (displacing the natural position of the bowel), severing all the nerves from the genital area to the internal sex organs and spine, and amputating ovaries which causes increased risk for heart attacks, osteoporosis, dementia, etc., and which causes sexual dysfunction.

I'm sure you can see all the damage that is done. Please find a good doctor who will keep your organs intact.

April 6, 2009 - 12:51pm


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