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Terri, there are many books out trying to tell unsuspencting women the very thing all these wonderful ladies are trying to tell you. It might help you to read some of them to get a clearer perspective. You can buy any of these books on Amazon. "The Hysterectomy Hoax" by Stanley West, M.D. (ob/gyn), "Misinformed Consent" by Lise Cloutier-Steele, "The Ultimate Rape" by Elizabeth L. Plourde, and the latest, "The H Word", by Nora Coffey. There are many more books out about this, and from what I see, doctors and women have been trying to warn other women about this for years. Pick up "The Hysterectomy Hoax". I think you will be shocked and enlightened at what this doctor reveals about his own profession.

Someone mentioned picking up an old gynecology book which is a great idea, however, you can also find them for free on Google books, and read gynecology journals from circa 1900. It's shocking to see that way back then they were removing fibroids, ovarian cysts, and they even spoke out about how bad it was to remove women's reproductive sex organs when they could be saved. Yet as of 2009, they have removed one-third of the female organs from women in the U.S. It's pretty shocking to think that every 1 in 3 women you look at do not have their female organs. What other statistic is so extreme? There are none.

When I first came upon the HERS site, I was shocked and horrified, and it took me several months of researching myself, reading books, finding information on the net, to confirm what the HERS Foundation was saying. I didn't just come upon it and blindly believe it all, I searched out other sources, and unfortunatly came to the nighmarish conclusion that it was all true.

Do your homework and save yourself. Good luck to you.

April 10, 2009 - 8:19pm


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