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(reply to Nevaeh)

Nevaeh, you summed it up very well. We must stop this. I have signed the petition, but you gave me a 'wake-up' call to get more 'in tune' with writing our legislators, etc., and voice. You are right about an important factor: thank goodness for the internet now. I hope too that every woman who has had this castration and mutulation happen do write to their own doctor(s), who did this, and be sure to include a copy of the 'H Word' book with this letter. Again, I am happy to hear of any woman who, after having this surgery, feels okay, but will she down the road, and is she 'truly' now "feeling better"? I believe that some women too are afraid to speak up for fear of being thought it 'mental' and not a physical problem in the aftermath of the surgery. It does affect the whole 'being' of a woman by having her uterus/ovaries removed; along with the damage of the surgery itself to - - - nerves, tissues, ligaments, and tendons (plus the cervix/vagina being cut off and shortened). This is PHYSICAL. How dare a doctor try to put a woman on anti-depressents when complaining after a major surgery as this also...

Mark my words - this will be looked at on in our history that people will figure this out. They will say, "How were doctors able to get away with this?" Well, how did our government get away with treating women as 'second class' citizens for so long; e.g., women were only able to vote, less than
100 years ago. Think about our civil rights movement, and blacks and also truly it is sick to think it
was only 144 or so years ago that people of 'color' in the U.S. were freed from 'SLAVERY'.

I remember my mother telling me about the times right before and during World War II. She
was about 19 at the time word was going around that Jewish people were treated as they
were in Europe (along about 1939/1940). She said, "We could not believe this was really
happening." She said the feelings were that no human being would do this to another human. Well,
we know the history there, right? It was a holocaust, and I feel this will be viewed in history as the
same; i.e., doctors getting away with devastating outcomes to millions of women. One might say
this is no comparison - well, it is a good comparison; in that, doctors are getting away with mutilation of women by deceit, and damaging so many lives for profit and greed. Yes, there will be a day, and I pray it is sooner than later... Thank you, Nevaeh, for your clear view on this subject.

August 12, 2009 - 4:24pm


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