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EmpowHER Guest

I have been diagnosed with Sjogrens for 6 years now. To be very honest... the doctos (who is very good) told me he can give me pain pills, steroid shots, heavier pain pills, it will keep getting worse, then there would be more treatments ... everything just covering the pain. I am 48 right now; that wasn't the answer for me. So, I started on my own journey, definitely made mistakes along the way (like trying to build up my immune system... bad) I ended up changing my diet completely. First, I cleansed my liver and body from toxins (yes, all those medications that I was sticking into my body), then I started feeding my body as much fresh uncooked clean veggies and fruits that I could take. I decided to be a vegetarian for one full year (commitment, but so worth having your health back). I drink a protein shake every morning with three fruits in it. I consume 10 alfalfa pills, if I get a flare up 20. Alfalfa is a natural anti inflammatory (it has so many benefits, I could go on just on that alone; big plus, no more sinus infections), I take 2 fish oils, one B vitamin (the entire B family, not just part like B6... they don't work when they stand alone), Vitamin D, and 3 lecithin and one multi- vitamin. (all the products I use are Shaklee, all natural - years of testing BEFORE they go to market... and well, they work for me. I will NEVER be without these). Bottom line, the doctor (now this is 2 years later) said he wishes all his patients would do what I do. The last report was... if I had done my normal (every 3 months blood work) they would NOT have detected this disease. I do not take any pain meds. One more thing, I am right now in a flare up. First one in over 6-8 months. I have not been doing my regular routine... I blame myself. BUT you can bet I am doing it now. Being in pain, swollen, tired and all the rest of it ROBS you of life. I pray you get yours back, don't give up hope. This is your life, grab it back and enjoy it. Keep trying things until you find what works. I know its hard, I hope this encourages you....

April 16, 2012 - 4:37am


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