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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I had mt first child at 42 just turned, i had a young mother myself, she DIED age 46 when i was 26 years old.......VERY TOUGH FOR ANY YOUNGER PERSON and i was very very close to my dear mother, HOWEVER i survived it and it made me the person and mother i am today! To all of you who woffle on about children needing their parents when past 21 is silly and i know that because myself and my siblings went through loosing our mother, you cope you survive. i am a strong , loving , wise confident mother and i want to tell all of you who want a child thats longed for, to GO FOR IT AND IGNORE OTHERS NEG OPIONS, AS ITS ALWAYS THOSE WHO HAVE CHILDREN OF THEIR OWN Lucky are all of you who had children younger, i know lots of freinds who now feel empty inside as thier kids are all grown up and flew nte nest. OLDER MUMS dont yearn that loss, its fantastic to be an older mother, you are wise, pateint and not as serious. my child is 5 and his teachers say heIS a confident and happy child, i have raised him to be independant, i want him to go into the world feeling loved. WHEN I LOST MY DEAR MOTHER AGE 26 A LADY SAID TO ME ....IT IS NOT HOW LONG A CHILD IS LOVED BUT THAT A CHILD IS LOVED TOTALLY THAT MATTERS...GUESS WHAT THE OLD LADT WAS RIGHT GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL BLESSINGS...

November 1, 2013 - 9:32am


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