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(reply to texaschick)

If you are taking your birth control every day as directed, consistently and correctly, then you would be considered as having PROTECTED sex (from pregnancy, not STDs) two weeks ago.

Have you missed any pills?

The pill is 99% effective at preventing pregnancy, irregardless of when during your cycle you had sex.

The cramping you are experiencing could be from anything, and most women do not experience this as a first sign of pregnancy (your fear). Cramping a week before your period could be hormone-related (the normal ebb-and-flow of your cycle); some women experience cramping a week before their "bleeding days" begin, and this can be normal. If the pain is severe, this would indicate a need to call your doctor.

Short answer: no need to be worried if you are taking your pills as directed. Your body will have differences every month that do not mean you are pregnant (period that is a few days late, or few days early; more blood flow or less; shorter duration of bleeding days or longer; blood flow that is red, brown or pink; cramping, bloating, headaches, irritability, sore breasts or none of these). It is completely normal to have different cycles each month, as your body is reacting to its environment and will change according to your stress level, recent illnesses, new medications, etc.

The time to worry is if your bleeding lasts more than 7 days, if you experience severe pain before/during your bleeding days, or if you have an absence of bleeding days.

January 3, 2010 - 2:27pm


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