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I'm sorry that you are having burning before, during and after urinating, and have even seen a urologist who is not able to diagnose this. I do not usually provide a litany of possible health conditions (it usually serves no purpose than to possibly self-misdiagnose and focus on the condition rather than the symptoms).

However, since you said you are at a loss for what this could be, and wanted to become knowledgeable about what your symptoms could be, let's see if any of these conditions sound like what you are experiencing.

What medication has your urologist given you, and is it working at all? Like you, I am surprised that no bacteria are showing up on the lab tests (do you know which lab tests you had, and if there are any others that your doctor could recommend?), since this sounds very much like a UTI (especially since it occurred after intercourse). You can also see another specialist for a second opinion!

Other conditions that have similar symptoms as "burning with urination" (please note: this list is not all-inclusive, its a start):

- Have your doctor(s) ruled out vaginal infections? (I wasn't sure if they only tests you have done are urine tests?)
- Bladder conditions include: irritable bladder, interstitial cystitis (infection of bladder)
- Kidney conditions may be a possibility, but is sounds like the burning is more on the outside (vulva and urethra opening) and not as much on the inside of your body (bladder or back--where kidneys are located)
- Burning on the vulva (near urethra) could also be STI/STD (sexually transmitted disease or infection)
- Urethral conditions, including narrowing of urethra, PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)

Please write back, and let me know what your thoughts are, and maybe we can come up with something together. At least you can rule out some of the above, and let me know what tests have been done, as well as what medication you are on (and any additional symptoms). For instance, is there any difference in the color, amount or frequency of your urine?

April 19, 2009 - 7:22pm


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