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(reply to Anonymous)

I'm glad to hear that you followed the directions on your pill pack after missing 2 pills!

Breakthrough bleeding is normal, but I am also surprised by a full-blown period after missing just 2 pills. Not concerned, just surprised. The bleeding you are experiencing is likely "withdrawal bleeding" from not having the hormones in your system for two days (just a thought?). Do you smoke or use any other medications?

I would not necessarily be "concerned", as missing pills and then doubling-up can wreak a little havoc on your system; those are some potent hormones you're dealing with! I am not 100% sure if you would get your "period" later this month, but I would suspect you would. Your "period" when using hormonal contraception is actually "withdrawal bleeding", and when you are on your 4th week of "hormone-free" pills, I would assume that you would experience bleeding again.

My thought for you: if you continue bleeding tomorrow with a "full blown period", it might be worth a quick call to your doctor. They have probably heard about this before, and can ease your mind.

July 30, 2009 - 1:54pm


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