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Hi, Anon!

Your fingernails are most likely nothing to worry about, except if they bother you cosmetically. Vertical ridges are apparently quite common and there may be a genetic factor -- do you know if your mom and/or dad have fingernails with ridges?

Have you seen any discoloration? White spots? Or are your ridges/dents going horizontally instead of vertically?

Here's a page we have on nail ridges:


And here's a Mayo Clinic opinion on ridges in fingernails, along with links you can click about other nail conditions:


Do you bite your cuticles? That may seem like an odd question when we're talking about the nails themselves, but apparently you can damage the nail before it even grows out, which can be one reason a "dent" appears.

Have you been on any new medications for about the same time period as you've noticed the dents or ridges? Or did you have a serious bout of the flu or another illness?

Some people with thyroid issues have dents in their fingernails. At 19 it's not likely that this is the case, but possible.

Here's a University of Maryland Medical Center overview on fingernail abnormalities, with some photographs included:


Do any of those look like the problems you're having?

April 22, 2009 - 9:19am


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