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EmpowHER Guest

I always got these as a kid too. Sports days outside were the worst, I'd be completely debilitated. I haven't quite figured out how to stop these completely especially when I have to do work outside when it's hot, but I know for me drinking lots and lots of water actually makes it WORSE. What I've come to understand, even though it's a combination of different things, (maybe hormones, sugar levels etc?) is SALT intake is really important during these hot days. TOMATO JUICE my friend. You may go 'elch!', but please try it. If you know it's going to be hot, down a bottle early on, and keep some handy along with your water. A cold towel can help cool you off, wear a hat, and try not to exert yourself too much when its that hot out. I get these during exercise too (as I overheat) but if I can keep my body temperature and salt levels under control, as well as not skip out on any food (regular snacks and meals, don't ever get too hungry), I'm MUCH less likely to suffer an attack and still enjoy myself. I love summer!


June 16, 2011 - 8:04pm


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