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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I am a 47-year-old male and get the dull ache in the muscles of the left hip. As stated in the original post, it reminded me of restless leg syndrome, though I knew it was not. It happens when I lay on my right side and feels worse if I put a pillow between my legs. In the larger scope, it is not painful, but a mild ache, though it often can keep me from a good nights sleep.

What I find helps is to stretch some of the muscles in the outer hip area. The harder part was finding a way to isolate the exact muscle that is causing me grief. I had to play around to find a way to stretch only that muscle. One way is to lay on your back and pull the knee of the offending hip towards your chest and then inward towards the bodies midline until you feel the muscle stretch. This always works for me.

I think laying on my right side makes my upper hip roll inward, which causes the ache, though I am not completely sure. I hope this helps.

May 31, 2016 - 8:25am


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