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EmpowHER Guest

You know, I have the same thing...and I didn't know what it was until college. I was 23 before I let a guy see my breasts. He didn't care at all. I think that most guys are just like "woohoo boobs!"...they don't get all analytical about their shape. I still occasionally feel like I'm letting guys down, by not having "normal" breasts, but I have yet to meet a man who cares. I do sometimes wish that mine were shaped more like the breasts of most women...but my breasts are to feed my future babies, not to conform to some ideal of aesthetic perfection. Also, I had cancer, and after going through chemo, I would never even consider messing with my body now. Our bodies are actually pretty awesome the way they are. Mine was able to heal itself after having poison pumped into it. It was amazing to feel myself heal after each chemo, and become strong again. I'm not telling anyone not to have surgery, because it's not my choice to make...but as for me, I'm happy just the way I am, alive and healthy. :)

October 8, 2009 - 10:04pm


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