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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Thank you! I plan on asking my gynecologist the next time I go. I just have to get the courage to do so! I usually ask her a lot of questions about my health problems (not breast-related) and asking that seems kind of superficial comparatively (though, I know it's a valid question). She said my breasts were normal before (without me asking anything), but I don't know if that meant normal in every way or just no lumps or anything. I want to ask her about the risks of surgery.

Another reason I suspect it is that I've gained over 40 lbs (not on purpose) and my breasts have only changed slightly...it's really frustrating! I don't even shop for bras in stores, I buy them all online. I think I'd be embarrassed trying to search for my size and have other people see what I'm buying. I'd love to just be able to go into a store and pick up a bra without padding!

January 8, 2011 - 10:16pm


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