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Anonymous (reply to Cathy Enns)

I completley agree with the lady who said that you can't just throw the word "deformity" out there. At the age of 12 when i finally grew breats I was ecstatic. I loved them, to me they were just my breasts. I knew they were different from my friends. but aren't we all taught in school that all breasts are shaped different? So i didn't worry. I knew they weren't my best feature: but i compared them to the same aspect of having a large nose or crooked teeth or huge feet( you get what u get, everyone has that one feature that isn't their favorite). DEFINITELY NOT A DEFORMITY. It wasn't untill i was at my grandmother's and she was teasing me about not having boobs. So I proudly took off my shirt to proove her wrong. SHE BURST INTO LAUGHTER!!!!( my own grandmother) I was damaged emotionally from then on out. There i was standing akwardly bare chested with tears streaming down my cheeks I kept thinking if my grandma laughed what would a boy do. I hadn't even reached my adolescence and all my dreams and hopes were smashed. I became a different person that day. I cast my ownself out, I was ashamed, I hated myself, I hated my parents, and I hated God for making me such a "freak". The horrible thing about all of this is is that I grew up with no mother, being raised by my father was akward enough, so I couldn't talk to him about it. Soon after I started visiting doctors, who all said I was normal. They told me they were just breasts and mine just happened to look like that. LOTS OF GYNOCOLOGISTS TOLD ME THAT. NOT ONE DOCTOR TOLD ME THEY WERE "DEFORMED". They are aslo apparantly not that uncommon because my best friend had breasts just like mine, she was just next door. I couldn't help but think if she had them and was only a door away, who else in my town did. Then I found out my second cousin had the same damn thing. I got a seventeen magazine a few years later and my breasts were in it. But not in the normal section, but in the "deformed" section. So there I was again feeling like the biggest freak in the world. I took the article to my doctor who once again told me that my breasts were normal and never take advice from a beauty magazine. That wasn't enough for me I began to do my own research, and found this condition. " tubular breasts". a few years later I begged my father to take me to a plastic surgeon who pretty much told me I was deformed and that i needed breast implants to make me happy. It was the most humiliating day of llife. (my father sitting right there) i couldn't help but think how my father would react if he were to see a pair of breast like mine when he were younger. I was sssoooooo ashamed and kept thinking my dad probably thought I was such a freak. You could never imagine the pain I felt that day. the worst pain I've ever felt. My heart litterally felt like it had shattered in my chest. So guess what. I got the breast implants and guess what else I'm not happy, and I regret it to my core. not because they look bad, THEY LOOK AWESOME but because it was stupid. See it's sort of funny to me that all of my gyno's told me that they were normal and that he see's all kinds of random breasts. It's also sort of funny to me that there isn't very much information on somthing like this if it's such a problem, and the most ironic thing of all is that insurance DID NOT cover it. The only people that have said I was deformed were plastic surgeons. How is something like this a condition if it's not known why it is condition? What makes it a condtion? That your breasts grow that shape? Because there is a possibility that you can't breast feed? Lot of women WITHOUT this so called deformity can't breast feed. You shouldn't throw around the word deformity and call it a condition if there is barely any info on it. Is society going to start calling people with large noses deformed a well? I'm not depressed because my breasts looked this way, I ANGRY AND DEPRESSED BECAUSE IM FORCED TO BE PUT UNDER A CATEGORY CALL "DEFROMED". I AM BEYOND ANGRY. if this is a condtion I want more answers and more information before doctors and society start labeling an appearance as condtion or deformity, when they themselve harldey know anything about it. P.S. I hate these implants most umcomfortable things in the world.

June 30, 2011 - 3:27pm


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