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(reply to Diane Porter)

Thank you very much for your reply Diane..

Well the main difference was that the first day I came on it was very dark brown for ages, which is very unlike me..sometimes I would have brown at the end of my period but not at the beginning. Then the second day (yesterday) I was on very heavy and had lots of clots..(However this could now be wrong as I assumed this as there was lots of blood on the tampon - but after reading a website today I changed to using a pantyliner and infact there isnt much blood at all..just spots (it is mainly when I wipe that there would be more)..so now I am worrying again that I still could be pregnant..

The cramps are different - um it's hard to explain how they just 'feel' different..Earlier when they hurt I pressed my stomach and it felt firmer and would hurt, sort of just under the belly button area. It started this morning with bad lower backache (which i never get..period or not)..and then turned into cramps..

..But as the day has progressed it's gone from the cramps, to feeling very very sick and now I have a sort of 'sicky' headache..I also have no appetitie whatever but when i forced myself to eat something I felt hungry as I was eating it..if that makes any sense..

Thank you ever so much for your help..and no need to worry as I am no longer having sex..

May 5, 2009 - 10:17am


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