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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Update: I have seen a neurosurgeon who was very helpful and informative. I feel relieved to have some answers, I also know the size its 6cm by 2cm. Basically as long as my symptoms dont change and the size and disruption to the chiari malformation dont alter then there is no need to go in there and mess with it. I was told the arachnoid cyst in this part of the brain is not common place but arachnoid cysts in general occur in about 1% of the UK population. A quick google search by the surgeon on marfans and cysts suggests there could be a link but i suppose without scanning everyone with marfans then there will be no clear evidence and im not sure what good it would do anyway. I have a scan in 4 months and they are going to check my spine as well so overall i am happy as I have answers. Good luck and fingers crossed for good news and answers for everyone else x

January 22, 2010 - 6:38am


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