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Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anon - I took a look at St. Joseph's Children's Hospital in Tampa, and they do have pediatric neurosurgeons on their staff. If you go to the physician search page on their website and do a search in the specialty category for "neurological surgery" you will be able to pull up information on all of the neurosurgeons with privileges at the hospital. http://www.sjbhealth.org/body_childrens.cfm?id=1274
You can follow a similar process at the other hospitals in your area to locate the pediatric neurosurgeons.

It will be important to know that the surgeon, and the hospital, are covered by your health plan. Since there are several different Blue Cross Blue Shield plans in Florida be sure to enter the exact plan when doing these searches. You may also want to go to your plan's website and search there as well.

When you have identified the pediatric neurosurgeons/hospitals that are on your plan you can then contact their offices (or view their website if they have one) to find out if they have experience with these cysts. It will be important to verify that they do accept your insurance plan. Even if a website says they do you will find that this changes and websites sometimes aren't updated so be sure to check this. The closer you can get to home the better so I hope you will be able to find a great doctor and hospital near your home.

You might also want to ask your son's pediatrician for a recommendation too and for the pediatrician's view of the various hospitals in your area and which one would be best suited for the specialized care your son needs.

I know this is a lot of research and time for you, but I hope it will help you stay positive to remember that you're working to find the very best care you can for your child. Please do stay in touch, and let us know how we can help support you.
Take care, Pat

March 5, 2010 - 6:02pm


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