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Hi Grazyna - Thanks for writing, and welcome to EmpowHER.

Maria has provided some great information. Dr. Spetzler and the Barrow Neurological Institute are ranked among the best in this field.

Closer to home, you are fortunate to have some of the finest medical facilities in the United States. You may want to research other neurosurgeons in your area that are on your health plan and seek another opinion.
Baylor Healthcare System: http://www.baylorhealth.com/HealthSource/Neuroscience/Pages/Default.aspx
UT Southwestern Medical Center: http://www.utsouthwestern.edu/patientcare/medicalservices/neuro.html

When you have a rare condition it can sometimes take a lot of time and research on the patient's part to find the best medical care. I'm truly sorry you're dealing with these frustrations, but I hope this information helps and invite you to keep using us as a resource. Wishing you all the best, Pat

March 22, 2010 - 6:03pm


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