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(reply to Taraw1979)

Hello, I am a bit confused and wonder if I am answering 2 people with 2 sets of issues, one of whom has constipation, the other of whom has tried Jarrow's Bile Salts which resulted in diarrhea. I can only tell you that the bile salts have helped me, as well as probiotic acidophilus. I buy all of these supplements on Amazon.com. So sorry they have not worked for you, but sometimes we need to give things a chance, more than 5 days. I have experienced diarrhea too, but I prefer it to constipation, and over time my body has adjusted to the supplements. I've discussed these symptoms with doctors and am frozen out, they just will not admit that these after-effects exist. It's terribly frustrating, but I am not one to give up. I'm not an expert on weight loss programs as I've never before had to watch my food intake. My metabolism has completely changed since the surgery. I'm still "me" inside, but someone I don't recognize on the outside. I wish you well, and hope that you'll try the bile supplements again and give them a little time. I have managed to lose 12 pounds, only to gain it back when I ran out of bile salts. I won't allow that to happen again. Acidophilus helps with bloating, it really has flattened my tummy in just a matter of a few days. Do all the research and reading you can, and don't give up!

June 2, 2011 - 1:51pm


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