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Riiight, my boyfriend is almost 20 and I am 18, we have been together for 2 and a half years. He got a late shift job about 8 months ago but we stopped having sex before that, we do have it sometimes, just not often. I also had a termination about a year ago which really messed with my head, perhaps it is still messed up but I would like to have sex every now and then. The sex stopped when first got pregnant, but we didnt know I was then... Its really strange with him because he will really initiate sex, but then when I go to give it back, suddenly he is too tired and says that I shouldn't try it at night... (night being 8pm) I think this is tooo weird because it seems he is bluffing? I dont know. I do know that when I used to go out, (I dont go out much anymore) I used to get so much attention. I love my boyfriend but I feel I have no self confidence anymore, I used to have bucket loads! I know I need to get my issues sorted out about the termination. At the time I had it, I didnt really think about it, I just knew I was too young and I WAS on the pill and I took it properly and I used condoms regularly too. The day I actually had it, I went to his house straight after and he didnt even speak to me for the first 15 minutes I was there, he just wanted to finish a game he was playing on his xbox. I split up with him over it but he said he wouldnt let me leave him so we got back together. I guess my sex drive is low too, he seems to want to initiate it some of the time, he can really pester me for it, except for when I want it... He often even wants it the same day and will pester me for it, so when I agree and 'freshen' myself up, he suddenly says he is too tired. Does ANYBODY have ANY resolutions? My problem is similar to a lot of peoples, but still pretty unique. Our relationship is really nice apart from that, we are pretty affectionate and we see each other every day so Im sure he doesnt cheat... (he is a bad liar and I have asked him) He also regularly watches internet porn but that doesnt bother me.

P.S I was his first, but he was not mine. He often throws this back in my face too.

January 27, 2011 - 3:37pm


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