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EmpowHER Guest

I can totally relate to what most of the blogs I've read have said...I can't believe I'm actually on here writing about this because I've kept it to myself for soo long hoping that time would fix what ever this problem is, but many many months down the line things are still the same.
I've been married to my husband for two years, we've been together for about 5 in total. Everything was great in the first few years but it seems that with in the last year, possibly even more now, my husband is becoming more and more distant and is not sexually attracted to me at all. Now, I'm lucky if I'm intimate in any way with my husband even once every one to two months whereas before it was at least once or twice a week.
I'd love to say I'm really trying to make the first move and making a great effort but the truth is I just can't anymore; I just feel awful and stupid if I do and whatsmore I feel like I'm pushing him in to something he doesn't really want to do. This is only verified when he makes excuses as to why we can't or worst still by him going out every time we might have actually had an opportunity to be together.
We're both busy with work and tired a lot of the time but this doesn't stop him going out. My feeling is that if it's that important and you are aware that your partner feels it is too you would make the time. I've tried numerous times to talk to him about this but each time I'm told that he still love's me but that he doesn't know what the problem is. Nothing ever changes though.
There's only so much I can do to help this situation now as my self-esteem is at an all time low despite compliments from other people. The only person I want is my husband and I'd love it if he wanted me too. I just need some ideas as to what could be going on because right now I'm at a complete loose end. I would be grateful for any suggestions, serious ones only please?

October 26, 2011 - 1:30pm


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