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EmpowHER Guest

My own sister-in-law has breast cancer which has spread to the liver. She is a great believer in the power of prayer and positive thinking, plus has had many courses of Chemo including six and a half years of Herceptin. Miraculously she has had multiple tumours on her liver for over 6 years and is still living a full and active life. Her doctor is amazed. It would be hard to say whether it was the amount of horrendously strong drugs, religious belief or positive thinking that has enabled this - most likely a combination of all three.
My main problem with the idea that positive thinking can cure you is that this puts a tremendous amount of pressure on a sick person. If their health deteriorates, is it because they just weren't positive enough, not a good enough Christian, their faith not strong enough. Beware of a God complex. We all have strengths and powers but at the bottom of it we are all human and falliable.
Being positive is very rarely a bad idea. It often helps but don't beat yourself up if it doesn't!

September 16, 2009 - 10:13am


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