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Implantation bleeding is typically different from a period. It is usually described more as "spotting", and would not last 3-4 days. Was your second period of the month heavier bleeding, similar to your regular menstruation?

How long are your cycles on a typical month, or are they irregular?
When were you expecting your next period?

I'm asking, because if your last menstrual period (LMP) was May 27th, and you would describe it as a regular/typical menstrual cycle, then your next period would not be "due" until June 23rd-ish. You may not be "late" for your period, if this is the case. I wish I could give you more definite answers, but we're speculating, and the best way to know is to go to the doctor.

Do you have a gynecologist that you are seeing yet? If not, this may be a great time to tell someone you trust in your family that you need to go to the doctor, as your cycles are irregular. You should start seeing a gynecologist when you become sexually active, and s/he can talk with you about your birth control options, as well as emergency contraception. ("EC" can be taken within 72+ hours after unprotected sex, or after a condom breaks, to help prevent pregnancy). You can read more about "EC" at Planned Parenthood site here.

The gynecologist will keep all of your information private (it's the law), but some tests may show up on your parent's medical bill...you can ask a nurse or the doctor about this. (They are asked this frequently!!).

How do you feel about going to the gynecologist?

June 7, 2009 - 7:09pm


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