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(reply to Michelle King Robson)

i am 23 years old and no chance of being pregnet and when my nipples get hard they have very sharp almost unbarable pain also if i do hold them they help some but pain does not go away i have had these experiance off and on for over a year. i have had breat checked for lumps and had pap smars done due to cramping in both sides that has been going on for 3 months.. i havent had a normal period in the last 3 months as well i was put on birth control to help get my body back to normal. but even though the no periods and the cramp i have had these way before that has been going on. i had a miscarrige a year ago and the brest pain was very bad but about 6 months before then i have had the pain.so i no im not pregnet and not going through menopause so please help me on whats going on..

December 4, 2010 - 5:18pm


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