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EmpowHER Guest

Thank you so much for this information, I recently moved into an apartment on the second floor. I met my neighbor about two weeks after I moved in. She talked alot about the previous tenant and how he would" follow her around from room to room and come and go at the same times she did to torment her" She told me there was such strife that the previous tenant decided to terminate their lease early. She seemed nice enough to me and told me I was very quiet.
Soon after that, I would notice sounds like beating on her ceiling when I would walk into the kitchen and in the bedroom. I didn't put two and two together as I thought we were on good terms.
One night she beat on my door and asked me to " stop running around" I live alone and had been in bed for two hours?? This incident confused and upset me.
Then in the middle of the night as I got up to use the bathroom, she came and beat on the door. When I went to confront her, she told me " I knew what I had been doing" and that I was a nuisance to the entire community. That she was friends with everyone there except me and she would get her boyfriend or brother to come talk to me. When I tried to reason with her, she would not accept that I was not doing it out of spite. She terrified me so much that I fled that night.
When my landlord called to question her, she told her the same story as she had told me of the previous tenant. That I was following her and would mimic her every move such as dropping a spoon in a bowl when she did?? That's when I realized that she had a serious problem and this forum made me realize what it was.
Now I just want her to go. She is constantly late on rent ( I see late notices in the door ) and has had her car towed by the office. Yet she remains. All I can do is pray that she is evicted or her lease runs out SOON!!

September 10, 2011 - 5:54am


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