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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Yes I had same. Sometimes my skin had a grey dust on it that u could not see, but if I wiped my skin after coconut oil application incould see it. Oddly, at time, it was a pink residue. I only know a few of my M friends that had that happens. I believe the pink color comes from a Cyanobacteria but I cannot be sure because when it happened to me i treated solely on instinct because I was jninsured. I did pay a doc to presctibe antibiotics too which Inwas on for two years . I took a mild dose of 150mg 2x day of doxycyclene im addition to herbs. When I first began I got sicker before I got better. Doc said what I have is similar to malaria. He studied morgellons for two years. Look up herx heimer reaction to understand how toxins that are killed off by oarasites and herbs can cause a toxic reaction and make the body feel sicker. Some people take charcoal or psylliam to absorb the toxins im gut. When i began taking these baths and using the oils on skin my soles of feet were the worst. What appeared to look like black tar came out of my skin. It was gross. There were also sand specks and other particles. This stuff is apparently manufacturer by the body according to recent study via melanin and keratin. Fortunately people are beginning to have answers but several years ago people like me flipped out not knowing what is happening to us. I cannot stress enoughy feeling that the roundup weed killer that is inserted into the DNA of almost all gmo foods may have damaged our bodies ability to fight infections. I had a long history of issues w my feet before this occurred. My feet would either burn, or feel ice cold. At times my body felt like an ice cube and i couldnt stay warm. I learned later that thesebare all symptoms of a stressed immune system from infection. Prior to morgellons surfacing my hands and feet including palms and soles itches like crazy for six months. The itchiness was so bad that it kept me up at night. I hope i helped. L

November 28, 2014 - 5:38pm


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